Dear Member,

We are delighted you have decided to apply for a vacancy in our governance structure. Civica are hosting the applications to elected positions in 2025 so please read the information below carefully before starting your application. You will be able to save your application at any stage and come back to it later.

Throughout the application there are (?) buttons which, when you hover over them will give you some guidance on the relevant field, tell you why we are asking for that information and how it will be used.

To the right of your screen there is a "resources" and "useful documents" section which will have various supplementary documents depending on which body you are applying to. For example Role Descriptions and Terms of Reference.

The first part of the application form requires you to complete various "about you" information. This is partly so that Civica can contact you about your application if required, but also so that we can better understand the professional composition of the applicants that we attract to these roles so we can ensure we reflect the full breadth of the microbiology community. This information will not be used in the event of a ballot. Election information will be anonymous.

Please ensure you complete the candidate statement anonymously as this will be published in the event of an election. Please refrain from referencing individuals or institutions by name or anything that would make you identifiable. The Microbiology Society reserves the right not to accept an election statement that is not sufficiently anonymised, exceeds the word limit, is factually inaccurate or contains libellous material.

The Microbiology Society is committed to ensuring equal access to opportunities to participate in our governance. We are asking members who apply to our governance structure to provide equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) data to better understand the composition of the applicants that we attract to these roles and identify barriers to participation. Although it is mandatory to complete this section, there is a "prefer not to say" option for each question available. You can read more information about why and how we handle this data in the EDI Privacy Policy under "useful documents" on this page.

Diversity monitoring data is provided to us directly by you where you choose to provide it. Diversity monitoring data is special category data under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and includes information regarding:

  • Age
  • Ethnicity
  • Health data including information about disability
  • Gender identity and sexual orientation
  • Nationality
  • Religion or strongly held belief

At the relevant stage of the application you will be asked to select the role/body to which you are applying from a drop down list. For bodies where you may apply to several roles or specialisms within them, such as the EC Forum Executive Committee or a Division, a tick box should appear that enables you to tick more than one option. However, if you wish to apply to two different bodies then you will need to submit two separate forms.

To streamline the elections process in 2025 we have introduced an Applications Review Panel who will receive and review all applications prior to their submission to the ballot. The Applications Review Panel, chaired by the General Secretary and whose composition will include a representative from all recruiting bodies, will act to reduce the number of applications where necessary while ensuring sufficient diversity in the reduced group, and verify information provided. You can read more about the full process in the Elected Positions Application Process document.

Alternative application formats can be made available upon request. Please contact [email protected] with your requirements.

Please press 'Start' below to begin your application.

The Application online service is available 24 hours a day until Tuesday 22 April 2025 at 12PM GMT.